Appium opens up the possibility of true\n cross-platform native mobile automation. Similarly, with Google\'s UiAutomator\n you can only write tests in Java. If you use Apple\'s UIAutomation library without Appium\n you can only write tests using JavaScript and you can only run tests\n through the Instruments application. You can write tests with your favorite dev tools using Java,\n Objective-C, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Ruby, C#, Clojure, or Perl with the\n Selenium WebDriver API and language-specific client libraries.

You don\'t have to recompile your app or modify it in any way, due\n to use of standard automation APIs on all platforms.\n\n2. Appium also comes bundled with\n( ) for testing older\nAndroid platforms.\n\nTesting with Appium has two big benefits:\n\n1. Appium\'s iOS\nsupport is based on ( ) work on iOS\nAuto. Appium\ndrives Apple\'s UIAutomation library and Android\'s UiAutomator framework (for\nnewer platforms) using Selenium\'s WebDriver JSON wire protocol. It supports iOS, Android, and FirefoxOS platforms. 38 silly resolved readme: 'Appium\n=\n\n( )]()\n\nAppium is an open source, cross-platform test automation tool for native and\nhybrid mobile apps.